Sunday, October 16, 2011

Critical Reading of an Essay's Argument

I'm going to try to bring this up in class.

Critical Reading of an Essay's Argument:

'via Blog this'


  1. That was a really interesting article. It's important to understand how a writer's thought process influences their writing. To often we are told to look only for content, and maybe some symbols or other literary devices, which misses the overall picture. A piece of writing means so much more when we are able to go in depth and analyze it from different perspectives.

    This reminds of an article I read over the weekend about math classes. It criticized the K-12 math curriculum for ignoring the creative and logical thinking processes necessary for understanding and appreciating mathematics, and instead stressing repetition and memorization of facts and formulas.
    It's a great read, but it is quite long, so I'm going to try to write about it on my blog some time this week.

  2. Here's the article, for anyone interested:

  3. Thanks Anne! I'll try to read it this weekend and get back to you on it! :)
